Scholarship regulations of the Technical University of Košice
Social scholarships
The conditions for awarding a scholarship from the state budget are set out in Section 96 of Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Certain Acts. From 01.09.2012 valid Decree of MŠVVaŠ SR no. 227/2012, which amends the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic no. 102/2006 Coll. on the award of social scholarships to university students, as amended by Decree no. 396/2008 Coll.
Students of full-time study of study programs of the first two degrees and study programs according to § 53 par. 3 of the Act on Higher Education Institutions, which have a permanent residence in the Slovak Republic.
Motivational scholarships
Incentive scholarships are awarded for excellent benefit and representation of the school from the state budget and the TUKE scholarship fund.
Methodical instruction for awarding merit scholarships at the Technical University of Košice