The study programme Industrial Engineering at the Bachelor level offers the opportunity to acquire competencies in the cross-sectional scientific field focused primarily on solving project, production, ergonomic and logistics problems of industrial practice and production management in practical and digital form. The students will master the theoretical procedures, methods and techniques of industrial and digital engineering, as well as gain knowledge of software applications that are part of product life cycle management. During the study, the students have the opportunity to test their knowledge and skills on their own exercises using digital and virtual technologies. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to work with virtual and augmented reality, 3D scanners and 3D printers, which are part of the laboratory equipment. Working on semester and Bachelor’s theses is possible in these laboratories and in companies of industrial practice, with which the Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering cooperates. The graduates of the Industrial Engineering study programme are ready to apply in the labour market in engineering and non-engineering companies of various specializations, development and design organizations, business companies, consulting companies and the technical area of ​​the public sector. Additionally, the graduates can also work as production process and system, designers, workers in planning, organizing and managing of production, increasing productivity, logistics, human resources and, last but not least, as a managers in various functional areas.