The education and training of students attending the study programme Automotive Production is focused on the preparation of experts in creation of new products, design of production processes, management of the production of automobiles and their components. Graduates will gain theoretical, research, professional and practical knowledge about innovative trends in automotive production, as well as the knowledge and skills in the areas of: automotive component manufacture technology, automotive assembly, testing, manufacture technology, structure of production facilities, logistics and supply chain organization of the automotive industry. Additional knowledge comprises the creation of new and innovated products using computer supported design and construction techniques, virtual reality, prototyping and reverse engineering. As a result of, they attain a mastery of methods of lean and agile production. The graduate’s profile comprises of additional skills and knowledge, such as that of a foreign language and adequate knowledge of economics, management, environmental studies and safety regulations. Based on this range of knowledge, the graduates are able to cooperate with a team of other profession workers that participate in the production provision (marketing, service, logistics, etc.)