The basic conditions of Doctoral studies (III. level of university studies), are regulated by §54 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendment to Certain Acts, as amended.
Admission to Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE is carried out on the basis of the Internal Regulation of the Technical University in Košice, pursuant to § 49 Par. 4 letter c) of the Statute of TUKE – Principles of Organization, Evaluation and Termination of Doctoral Study at the Technical University of Košice, as amended by Appendix No. 1 and 2.
The basic condition for admission to Doctoral studies is a successful completion of the II. level of university education and successful completion of the admission procedure.
The application is submitted in electronic form – e-application.
The application must state the name of the study programme, the topic of one Dissertation (written in the relevant study programme in the given academic year) together with the name of the supervisor and knowledge of at least one foreign language.
Topics of dissertations for the academic year 2024/2025
Deadline for submission of applications: May 31, 2025
Date of admission procedure: June 13, 2025
Admission fee for those interested in studying in English: 60 €
Admission fee for those interested in studying in Slovak: 30 €
Payment method: bank transfer
Mandatory payment details:
IBAN: SK41 8180 0000 0070 0015 1492
Addressee’s account name: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Strojnícka fakulta, Letná 1/9, 042 00 Košice-Sever, Slovakia
Variable symbol: 9
Constant symbol: 0308
Text for the recipient: name and surname, name of study program, degree of study
Contact address:
Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Strojnícka fakulta
Ing. Beáta Krišáková
PhD study department
Letná 1/9
042 00 Košice-Sever
Contact person:
Ing. Beáta Krišáková
specialist assistant for doctoral studies
Office: 055/602 2444
Mobile: +421 905 341 279
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Study programme |
Guarantor | Training department |
Applied Mechanics (SK, EN) | prof. Ing. Jozef Bocko, CSc. | Katedra aplikovanej mechaniky a strojného inžinierstva, Letná 9, Košice |
Parts and Mechanisms of Machines | prof. Ing. Jaroslav Homišin, CSc. | Katedra konštrukčného a dopravného inžinierstva, Letná 9, Košice |
Energy Machines and Equipment | prof. Ing. Tomáš Brestovič, PhD. | Katedra energetickej techniky, Vysokoškolská 4, Košice |
Environmental Engineering | prof. Ing. Ervín Lumnitzer, PhD. | Katedra procesného a environmentálneho inžinierstva, Park Komenského 5, Košice |
Quality and Safety (SK, EN) | prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD. | Katedra bezpečnosti a kvality produkcie, Letná 9, Košice |
Industrial Mechatronics (SK, EN) | prof. Ing. Michal Kelemen, PhD. | Katedra mechatroniky, Katedra výrobnej techniky a robotiky, Park Komenského 8, Košice Katedra biomedicínskeho inžinierstva a merania, Letná 9, Košice |
Industrial Engineering | prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, PhD. | Ústav manažmentu, priemyselného a digitálneho inžinierstva, Park Komenského 9, Košice |
Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Materials (SK, EN) | prof. Ing. Emil Spišák, CSc. | Katedra technológií, materiálov a počítačovej podpory výroby, Katedra automobilovej výroby, Mäsiarska 74, Košice |
Production Technology | prof. Ing. Peter Demeč, CSc. | Katedra výrobnej techniky a robotiky, Letná 9, Košice |
Field of study: Electrotechnics
Study programme | Guarantor | Training department |
Biomedical Engineering (SK, EN) | Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD., MPH | Katedra biomedicínskeho inžinierstva a merania, Letná 9, Košice |
Form of selection
Admission to Doctoral studies takes the form of an admission procedure and an entrance exam, which the candidate is obliged to pass on the day of the admission procedure. The exam consists of two parts, language and professional. Based on their results, the admissions committee in the given study programme decides whether it recommends or does not recommend accepting the applicant. The final decision on the admission of applicants is made by the Dean of the faculty.
Conditions of admission
The basic condition for admission to Doctoral studies is the successful completion of the II. level of the study programme or a study programme pursuant to §53 Par. 3 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on the Amendment of Certain Acts as amended. Another condition is adequate knowledge of one foreign language (according to the candidate’s choice) and successful completion of the admission procedure.
Entry exam
The entrance exam consists of a language part and a professional part.
Only one Dissertation topic from the relevant study programme can be mentioned per application. The application must state the following:
We prefer application submission electronically via the TUKE MAIS e-application. The MAIS applicant interface allows, in addition to filling in and printing out the application, also monitoring of, e.g. the processing status, acknowledgment of receipt and validity, decisions on acceptance, decisions on appeals. Further details of the electronic application will be updated and published on the website of the faculty
Mandatory study application annex:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Košice
Letna 1/9
042 00 Kosice
Business ID: 00397610
Tax ID: 2020486710
VAT reg. no: SK2020486710
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